Thursday, September 4, 2008


Nowadays days one can find the roots of Baladia,back to a very small village 400 years ago,when it was known as “Veshpur”.This village was mainly inhabited by “Rabaris” and was own by” Jagirdars”,Our Leuva Patel community started setlling at Baladia just 300 years ago in significant numbers,being mainly farmers we found many techniques and due to which the region became very prosperous.
This “Veshpur” was then eventually replaced by “Baladia”after a “Ling” (Ling means Shiv Ling) was found in a field nearby, this Ling was named “Baladeshwar Mahadev Shiv Ling” and this gave rise to the name “Baladia”,Today Baladians are in forefront of Kanbi community not only in the terms of wealth but also in the terms of the lifestyle they live and they have given some of most prominent and notable people in the Kanbi society.